We know that we all suffer from living in a broken world, and we’ve also come to know that God’s love is the remedy to our suffering. However, this love often gets rejected as the image of God is cast as harsh, unforgiving, and setting humanity up for failure. It is our passion at the Harbor to reveal God through the story of His Son, sent in human form to teach us how to love and live through His Spirit.
As Jesus lived in community with His followers, served with His friends and shared in their triumphs and hardships, we too want to experience this type of divinely inspired relationship and call it “church.”
Together, we are creating a safe place to explore the nature of God, to determine what it means to follow Him individually and corporately, and to encourage one another along the way. We, as just one expression of God’s Church, are seeking to partner together with one another in this love revolution that He began so long ago.