We have one service on Sundays at 10:30 am. You must wear a mask during the service.
Our service is live streamed to our front room, to facebook as well as our Youtube channel. We encourage you to join us by livestream if you are sick / have been exposed, if you are a high risk person, or just to help minimize the number of people there in person.

If you do plan to attend in person, you will need to wear a mask over your mouth and nose at all times, and we need you to make a reservation with Pastor Melissa by email, phone, text, or facebook messenger so that we can be sure that we have enough seats and enough spacing to keep everyone as safe as we can. If we have too many people on any given Sunday we may request those that did not reserve a seat to enjoy the service from the front room on our livestream television.
(This post was made on March 13, 2021, and If and when things change, we will be sure to let everyone know. Thank you for your help in this.)